
Seattle Buries Its Secrets

Yellow Press sources indicate that road construction has been used by government officials to conceal nefarious deeds. Could this be a continuing practice?

All over metropolitan Seattle highway repair continues into the winter,  however, while some portions of this Sisyphean task drag on for months on end, disrupting traffic and adding to the congestion that typifies the Seattle commute, other projects are completed with startling speed and efficiency.

Seeking an explanation for this discrepancy Yellow Press investigators spoke to several current and former employees of Washington’s Department of Transportation (WDOT) which manages these projects. One such interview, with John Doe, a retired WDOT worker who spoke with the Yellow Press under the condition that we refer to him by pseudonym, revealed ominous possibilities.

John has indicated that on occasion WDOT would use ongoing road repair to hide evidence of criminal undertakings even, at times, entire human bodies. He explains that ranking officials could have evidence buried on stretches of road that were about to be repaved, safe in the knowledge that whatever was entombed would not be recoverable.

John recounts occasions where orders from officials would cause sudden temporary holds on job sites or would  indicate a project  needed to be completed “ASAP”.  It was an “unspoken rule” John explained, “never to look too closely at the ground you were paving on one of these rush jobs. Sometimes a strip that had been leveled before the hold-up would show irregular patches of freshly dug ground or noticeable, “body sized mounds”.

John indicated that these “rush jobs” were common practice during his 40 years on the job, but reached a noticeable peak in the months weeks following the 1999 World Trade Center riots.

The Yellow Press investigators have been denied the opportunity to inspect any of Seattle’s ongoing construction projects and has therefore found no hard evidence to support Mr Doe’s accusations, however this reporter will think long and hard the next time he hears the ominous noise of jackhammers.

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