
Did Burt Get Stung?

burtBurt Shavitz recieved a 35 acre parcel of land in Maine for his share of the mega-million dollar empire known as “Burt’s Bees”. The company was co-founded by Shavitz and friend Roxanne Quimby in 1984 when Quimby began making candles from the leftover beeswax in Shavitz’s honey operation. Health and beauty products followed the candles, becoming the companies staple when, in 1993, Shavitz was bought out, rumor has it for being in a romantic involvement with a company employee. Burt supposedly had more than one honey business. Clorox, the bleach company, purchased the company, which still brands itself using the hoary founders likeness on its products,  for $925 million in 2007. Candle wicks, honey and chapped lips make for some marvelous corporate intrigue.

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