
US Military Targets Coachella In Jade Helm Op

yellow pressUpcoming military training exercise Jade Helm, taking place in the southwest United States in the next two months is thinly guised effort to uncover pockets of peaceful activists. The exercises, which involve all branches of the US military and several state and local agencies, true nature was revealed in a number of secret memos leaked to UK reporters covering the event. The event will be staged during the months of April and May in the states of Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Texas, Nevada and Utah, where its headquarters will be located in the notoriously secretive city of Provo. The exercises are reputedly to simulate an invasion along the southern border and members of the armed forces are working undercover in these states to provide a realistic scenario where local sympathizer among the population assist in the invasion and occupation. Already military aircraft, convoy vehicles, drones and specialized equipment has been observed being deployed in several areas.

The unreported aspect of the operation however was discovered by reporters for the UK’s Daily Mail when it was noticed that military and government personnel had requested access to several events taking place in the area during the planned operation, including the SXSW music and technology gathering in Austin, TX,  the Coachella Music and Arts festival in CA and the Burning Man event in Nevadas’ Black Rock Desert later in the year. These events, and many others uncovered in their research are frequently attended by young counter-cultural progressives who advocate for policies often at odds to those of the military and US government. Even locales known to attract individuals with similar outlooks, like tiny Leakey, TX, have drawn the attention of the military establishment, they plan to have several operatives frequenting the town’s small drugstore to gather information. The military operation is said to be also an effort to determine the efficacy of traditional information gathering efforts in comparison to new, database centric efforts.

License plate readers will be set up in thousands of locations along interstate and local roads. Aerial surveillance will be conducted utilizing everything from drones to remote sensing geostationary satellites which will monitor distinct regions as well as several of the national parks located within the exercises scope. It is rumored that even the BLM will participate in the event by placing tracking devices within the GI tracts of cattle suspected of belonging to Cliven Bundys’ herd. The military has also secured the cooperation of all the major cell phone companies to monitor communications and Verisign, the retail transaction authentication service to follow purchasing habits of persons in the area for trends like firearms, ammunition and survival equipment purchases.

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