
FIRE at Sacramento’s American River Parkway

Working hard to take control of the fire

Fire erupted at the American River Parkway in Sacramento, CA today on August 02, 2014. A Park Ranger mentioned that the Sacramento Metro Fire Department had trouble getting through gate to get to the fire. They had to call the Park Rangers to open it for them. It is allegedly said that the closest Ranger was Twenty Miles from the fire. The fire spread through the Park quickly. The Sacramento Metro Fire Departments Fire Helicopter Team was  the only one fighting the fire while the Trucks and their team waited for the Park Ranger.

People were on the river levy watching the Fire Department fight the fire once they got in the Park area after the Ranger arrived and opened it for them. It did not take long for Sac Metro to take control of the fire once they got in.

The smoke was seen for miles in the Sacramento Areas. No injuries had been reported.

Aaron S

Just a concerned citizen shaping the future.

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