Topless Photos! Nicole, Kate, Chelsea, Jennifer and Miley, Oh My!
Enough of the squeamish puritanical nature of the mainstream press! We aren’t afraid to print a topless picture or two, just check out the rest of this article. Poo poo to the notion that the human body is vulgar and should be covered up to protect innocent eyes. There ain’t hardly a pair of eyes in the world that hasn’t seen a pair, or a unit, or a thing or a whatnot. The recent scandals about celebrities baring their attributes making the news rounds are merely tempests in teapots. Everyone has got the same stuff, more or less. Ask a doctor, or let’s play doctor and find out. So there are pictures of Chelsea Handler topless, and Jennifer Lawrence topless, and Nicole Kidman topless and Kate Upton topless and even that boundary butting beauty Miley Cyrus topless. So what, big deal, well a couple are. It’s about time women had the same freedoms men have had for eons, to strut about unencumbered and bound up and strapped in and such. Ask any reasonable fellow to wear a mannsiere on a how summer day and see how that goes over. Only about a hundred years ago did women get the vote. In some countries, (which shall remain nameless but they include a nation that begins with the letters U. and S.), women are still treated in as inferiors, are not equally paid for equal work, must put their hair in order before seen in public and are treated more like objects that people.
Given enough exposure it isn’t long before we see past the nonsense of trappings and the naked body becomes less an object of lust and more a matter of fact. Having worked in a couple of fields where I was privy to observe the body in all it’s stages of age and dress and undress I can state this as truth. Don’t believe this writer? Ask a doctor, or let’s play doctor and find out. Still, conventions and mores rule so we have published our topless photos after the fold, just click to keep reading and see if you don’t soon become accustomed to the ordinariness of these topless celebrities.