
Doomed To Repeat The Past

Just makes our heads spin.

“(Blank) at least was blessed with a mixture of arrogance and stupidity that caused him to blow the boilers almost immediately after taking command by bringing in hundreds of thugs fixers and fascists run the government. he was able to crank almost every problem he touched into a mind-bending crisis, about the only disaster he hasn’t brought down on us yet is a nuclear war with either Russia or China or both but he still has time and the odds on his actually doing it or not all that long.”
For now we should make every effort to look at the bright side of the ‘blank’ administration. It has been a failure of such monumental proportions that political apathy is no longer considered fashionable or even safe among millions of people who only two years ago thought that anybody who openly disagreed with ‘the government’ was either paranoid or subversive. Political candidates in ‘year’ at least are going to have to deal with an angry disillusioned electorate that is not likely to settle for flag-waving and pompous bulshit. – Hunter S Thompson, ‘The Great Shark Hunt, 1977