


If you ever have to take your child, grandchild or any child in your care to an emergency room be afraid, be very afraid. You just may be falsely accused of child abuse or causing whatever the issue is that made you seek medical attention for the child.

A routine follow up by CPS which should be an innocent encounter after you and your child go to the emergency room and return home can actually become something sinister if you encounter a corrupt CPS worker. CPS caseworkers have what is called Absolute Immunity in Juvenile courts and this means that they can make up lies about parents and families to get children taken away and put into the system and they are not held accountable for any lies that they tell. CPS wants children in the system to keep their jobs, if you ever have to deal with CPS know your rights. You have the right to video and record all interactions including meetings, they can not deny you this right for any reason. If your child or children are taken away and you are accused of neglect or abuse have your case taken out of the juvenile court system and moved to a real court immediately, a court where there is a jury of your peers and no Absolute Immunity. In a real court if a CPS employee has lied in any reports it’s perjury and they have no immunity like they do in Juvenile court.

CPS nationwide is in the business of Kidnapping and stealing children for a profit. CPS is nothing more than a modern day terrorist organization kidnapping children with the intent to strip away parental rights and break family bonds to permanently keep children in the dollar generating loop. The terrorist tactics are in the form of making parents attend many forms of services that they may not need wasting tax payers dollars, while they are detaining children that they do not intend to return no matter how diligently families comply with the terrorist demands.

CPS was put into place to help at risk children and to offer family education and support where needed with the goal of keeping families together.

Something has gone really wrong and the system is flawed and broken beyond belief. A majority of CPS employees have become so corrupt and they abuse authority to the point kidnapping and stealing by false and unethical means.

Why IS CPS KIDNAPPING AND STEALING CHILDREN? Basically to keep their jobs, less children in the system means less jobs for CPS workers and the closure of many offices.

For more information do an internet search, the epidemic of CPS Kidnapping Children is real and anyone with a child needs to be aware that they can fall victim to a corrupt CPS system.