Pattanam excavations
Oxford university is to collaborate with the kerala council for historical research in the pattanam excavations. Oxford university will be represented in the excavations which enters the eighth consecutinve year by chrisgosden one of the leading archaeology researchers in the institute of archaeology oxford and wendy morrision asst director Dorchester project, oxford university. This is for the first time in the history of post independent india that oxford university is in collaboration with an Indian institute on such a research project kchr director cherian stated here today.
The kchr and oxford university had signed a memorandum of understanding in april 2010 when a six member oxford university team led by nickel blown of the school of archaelogy will visit the pattanam site .
Oxford university’s involvement in the patanam research would contribute to Indian archaeology by providing opportunity to compare and study the scientific practice being followed globally dr cherian said
By: k.mohan