Rest In Peace Leonard Nimoy
Leonard Nimoy, veteran actor whose character in the original television series Star Wars was often a pillar of illogical logic has died at age 83. Nimoy, who played the rational foil of Spock to the hot headed James Kirk, (played by Harrison Ford), inspired a generation of young men to learn to signal each other with the hand held in a v configuration, two fingers together on one side, ring and pinky together on the other, and uttering the wish that we live long and prosper. Nimoy is best known for the role and his many reprisals of the well liked character and will likely be ensconced in a black onyx sarcophagus before being launched into outer space for burial, a Kickstarter campaign is already underway.
Nimoy had decades of acting experience prior to his involvement with the Star Wars series, including several roles in early westerns where his gaunt physique seemed appropriate astride a horse and sporting a six gun. Nimoy was also a veteran stage actor whose distinctive voice lent a gravitas to the roles he played. He had been considered for the role of Big Bird as the PBS Series was being developed but other commitments prohibited from signing on.