Prakash Javadekar Releases ‘Living With The Leopards’
The Minister of State for Environment, Forest and Climate Change (Independent Charge), Mr. Prakash Javadekar releasing a CD of ‘Living with Leopards – SGNP Mumbai Experience’ documentary at the ‘World Environment Day’ celebration, in Mumbai on June 05, 2016.
‘Living With The Leopards’
Mumbai (PIB-GR-TYP-BIN): On this occasion. the Union Minister for Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Mr. Prakash Javadekar released a leaflet “Living With The Leopards” on June 5, that lists out practical tips to minimize danger to ourselves. The leaflet is of utmost utility for the residents of North Mumbai suburbs adjacent to the Sanjay Gandhi National Park area, where incidents of leopard entering housing colonies are frequently reported.
Practical Ways To Live With Leopards And Minimize Danger To Ourselves
Recognize that leopards are the residents of the area and mere sighting does not translate into danger.
Leopards do not recognize our kind of boundaries, forest areas and housing colonies.
Ensure that children are supervised by adults, especially after dark
Do not move about alone after dark. If necessary, play music on your mobile phones to allow leopards to realize that there are humans around. Leopards are sensitive enough to avoid contact with humans and do their best to avoid us.
If a leopard is sighted, give it right of way and allow it to move off peacefully.
If a leopard is sighted, do not form a crowd around it. Mob behavior will cause the animal to panic and possibly harm someone in its effort to escape.
Ensure effective garbage disposal and keep the dogs indoors.
The Forest Department is the sole authority to deal with any leopard related incident. Promptly call the control room