Harsh Vardhan Inaugurates ‘Platinum Jubilee Techno Fest’ Of CSIR

India International Trade Fare (IITF)
New Delhi (PIB-GR-TYP-BIN): CSIR is showcasing its ‘Platinum Jubilee Techno Fest’ at the India International Trade Fare (IITF) in New Delhi. The Union Minister for Science, Technology and Earth Science, Dr. Harsh Vardhan inaugurated this at the Trade Fare that began on Nov 14. The Minister visited all stalls in the CSIR hall discussing developments made and the future course for action with the directors and other scientists of various CSIR labs. He also inaugurated a Micro Site of CSIR Platinum Jubilee Techno Fest.
There are 14 theme pavilions deal with CSIR work in various areas including Water, Aerospace & Strategic Sector, Energy, Leather, Healthcare and Generics among many others. Dr. Harsh Vardhan said, “This Techno Fest is an Opportunity for the young students, scientists and the common people to come under one roof and witness the knowledgebase of achievements and researches by CSIR.”
The S&T Minister also unveiled brochures on each of such thematic areas at the exhibition. Dr. Girish Sahni, Director General CSIR in an interaction with the media said, “This (Techno Fest) is a matter of pride and satisfaction. It is an honest attempt to make people aware about the contribution of CSIR scientists, that is, what they have offered for the life of the masses. All 38 labs of CSIR contributed to the Techno Fest, presenting CSIR efforts to solve various issues of the common Indian. We are looking forward to contribute more with every passing year.”