Today’s Recipe – Gruel

More gruel please, that healthy hearty foodstuff that can be made from almost anything, usually a prevalent grain. Today’s recipe is for gruel. Gruel, it’s what’s for breakfast.
Small bowl
Handful of raisin bran
Handful of rolled oats
Dried cranberries
Almond pieces
Teaspoon of sugar
Dash of creamer or half and half
1/4 cup of licorice tea
Pinch of ground chili
Drip of vanilla
Mix all ingredients in the small bowl, add a little water or milk, nuke for about two minutes and fortify yourself.
- Small bowl – Have not figured out how to hold all ingredients in hand and close door to microwave without it.
- Spoon – Who doesn’t love spooning?
- Raisin bran – Every cupboard has some remnants of breakfast cereal. Not enough for a bowl, too much to toss. Use it for gruel. Cheerios, grape nuts, post toasties, fruit loops kashi, cap’n crunch, cocoa puffs, granola, kix equals gruel.
- Rolled oats – Love me some oats, even if 98% of them are contaminated with glyphosate, yeppers it’s true, including the organic, it helps them to harvest the grain, dries it up. Love, love, love me some oats. Once bought a 50 pound bag at the feed store, cheaper in bulk, horses love, love, love them some oats too. Long story short, not all rolled oats are created equal, the eguine and culinary differ in that one posesses a nail hard husk, the other none. It was like eating sunflower seeds with the shells on only the shells are made of some rhinoceros tough fingernail material. I perservered, 50 pounds is a lot of chewing, but why waste money, and now it is known why horses stand for hours on end, chewing, chewing, their rubbery lips going around in circles, chewing, chewing.
- Dried cranberries – Had some on hand.
- Almond pieces – Save money by buying whole almonds, without shell duh, and crunching them yourself. Put some in a plastic sandwich bag and beat them to pieces with a heavy spoon on the kitchen counter. Nothing starts a morning better than a succession of loud pounding noises and the satisfaction of giving something a good thrashing.
- Teaspoon of sugar – You will be tempted to overdo but sugar is toxic and poisons are defined by the amount that determines a fatal dose.
- Dash of creamer or half and half – First off, just what is half and half anyway? They take some good wholesome cream and dilute it by half, so what is half and half? A triumph of marketing. I had some creamer, made of coconut and soy byproducts I used liberally instead.
- 1/4 cup of licorice tea – Sitting on the counter, leftover from last night, ahh, why not.
- Cinnamon- Reportedly few of us have ever tasted real cinnamon. I buy what’s available at my local grocer and use for baking and as an economical alternative to snuff. Have you any idea how much less it costs than Copenhagen or Red Man? Just a pinch between cheek and gum. Makes even spit smell good.
- Pinch of ground chili – Spice is the variety of life.
- Drip of vanilla – The chemical identities of natural vanilla and phenol based artificial vanilla are identical.
On a related note, there is nothing wrong with nuking your food. A physicist can tell you that heat is heat, just increased activity at the molecular level.
Mmmm, gruel!