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However You Wear Your Hat

Wear whatever hat you like so long as it please your head. Dress in whichever clothes you wish but don’t wear your Carhartts to bed.

Drive your vehicle painted pink just stay on your side of the road. Kiss a frog but be aware it just may stay a toad.

Rail about the world of change or talk about the whether. Remember that a cotton skirt’s more comfortable than pleather.

Stilleto heels and a bustier may fit your bearded cousin but a crewcut, tshirt and jeans and sneaks sure save a lot of fussin.

If happiness is what one finds by tailing every fashion, then let them follow happily and pursue your own bright passion.

Lick the spoon and scrape the bowl till the ice cream is all gone, to hell with skinny diets and clothes you must try on.

A marabou was good for Mae, a tag for Minnie pearl, although he sported makeup, quite a man was Milton Berle.

Fleeting is the nonsense we pursue our days on earth. If one wants to be a furry, let people stare for all they’re worth.

None of us are always right, fewer few who claim so. Walk the world as you see fit and let me dance the gogo.

Isadora, expressly free.

Many thanks to Chexmix.