
History is Repeating Itself

History is repeating itself and anyone with a smidge of knowledge about Europe during the years prior to and including World War II won’t be able to ignore the parallels in comparison to the events taking place now in Europe and in the United States. The events and how they began and played out are simply too blatantly similar to ignore.
After WWI, Germany and and it’s allies were required to honor the terms set forth in the Treaty of Versailles. This treaty strictly forbade Germany to have an army exceeding 100,000 men and put severe restrictions on the number and types of armament they could legally possess for their own defence.
When Adolf Hitler became chancellor in the Hindenburg administration, he immediately set about to gain more and more power which would eventually set him up as the Fuhrer or absolute dictator of the whole country and spark an event unlike anything modern civilation has ever seen. Unchecked, he began a quest for complete world domination that would leave Europe in ruins and bring about the deaths of millions of people not only in Europe, but throughout the entire world.
To understand what happened is imperative so that we can do whatever we need to do to protect our democracy as well as help others to fend off aggression from forces that would like to see the entire world brought under their control.
It is no secret that Russia (once known as the USSR) has always had a taste for domination and since the cold war has inherited leadership whose purpose is to spread their form of government to countries in the region that once belonged to the USSR before becoming their own sovereignties when the USSR was dissolved in the late 1900’s.
The first parallel should be evident; Germany started by invading Poland under the pretense of reacting to some orchestrated event (an attack on the people’s soldiers).
Vladamir Putin can be compared to Hitler because he,too, manufactured and incident that made it appear as if Russia was reacting to an attack by Ukraine and therefore provided him with a reason to invade that he could get the people’s support behind. This ” special operation” as he put it, was nothing more than a police action to protect Russia from an aggressor.
Just as Hitler invaded Poland, Putin invaded Ukraine and it is likely that he won’t stop until he has brought about a reunification of what used to be the USSR.