
Today’s edition of Washington Post. It says Mumbai is the only city in India(amongst the large cities)which is transparent in data on Covid. Warm regards Iqbal Singh Chahal Muncipal Commissioner Of Mumbai


The Washington Post contacted officials in four of India’s largest cities — Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai and Kolkata — to obtain data for total deaths in each month from March to June for 2019 and 2020. Only Mumbai provided full and up-to-date figures. (Kolkata provided none.)


In Mumbai, the first city in India to be swamped by a wave of coronavirus cases, overall deaths in March were actually lower than in the same month in 2019. Officials say the decrease was likely due to the strict nationwide lockdown, which reduced deaths from such events as car accidents.


In May, however, total deaths in the city surged to 12,963 compared with 6,832 in the same month a year before. The difference is larger than the number of coronavirus deaths registered in the city in May, which was 2,269. Some of the jump is because deaths from prior months — at the height of the lockdown — were registered later, said I.S. Chahal, Mumbai’s new municipal commissioner. Chahal said the city had also treated many patients from neighboring areas.

Authorities have made efforts to record coronavirus deaths properly, he added, even if it meant that the official death rate increased. In June, Chahal ordered hospitals and clinics to register any previously unreported deaths from covid-19 within the next 48 hours or he would shut them down. The result: More than 800 deaths added to the overall toll.


“We’ve been transparent,” Chahal said. “Let other states of India show this courage.”

Iqbal Singh Chahal Muncipal Commissioner Who Saved Many Life’s In MUMBAI CITY By Taking Stern Action With Immidate effect In All Manners To Fight Covid 19, Iqbal Singh Chahal Will Be Always In The Blessing’s of Mumbaikars Said Mumbai People’s

Warmest Regards To

I.Q. Chahal