C ward Universal Neo Perl Tower,Change Refuge floor into rooms,Is permission has been taken from competent Authority?
unauthorized work is carrying out at 8th and 15th floor in refuge area in neo pearl tower,2nd
carpenter street, mumbai
400004 as describe below
1)unauthorized addition, alteration and a malgamation work carrying out at 15th floor it is refuge floor areab constructing the brick masonry wall ad-measuring also closed the entry in the refuge floor area by installing a door and converting ther refuge floor area into two rooms size 6.3mx5 .6mx2. 6m(HT )without taken prior permission fromc Authority i.e MCGM
2)unauthorized addition,alteration and a malgamation work carrying out at 8th floor in refuge floor area by constructing the brick masonry wall and merge the refuge floor area into the ad-joining flat No.801 also closed the entry in the refuge area by
installing a door and converting the refuge area into room ad-measuring size 6.0mx5.6mx2.6m(HT) without taken prior permission from competent Authority i.e MCGM
The Society of neo perl tower has some vlise relationship with the Corporaters of consern ward, Because of the close relationship this kind of Illigal Work’s are happening blindly our sources said.
As per Warees Ali Sayyed News Reporter and International Human Reights Commission Coordinator of India Has also said in his compalaint that the entire investigation of Perl tower also not been done by consern Authority, he also said that perl tower price is 3times more expensive than other properties rate’s which is there in Mumbai City, 1 square fit was sold till Rs:60,000 in 2019, but how ever this also society hide from Registrar and from Government in which they show in Ragistrar file rate of property also very low, for their prosnal benefit they Thief tax also as our sources said, which Avidance also Warees Ali Sayyed has been collected and soon he will going to make Write Petition
On the platform of Yellow Press I would like to request DMC ZONE-1 Harshad Kale To make this matter Expose with Stern action with immidate effect, Because this Illigaly floor’s Constriction is huge scam in which Many people’s can cause much loss Because of the society as like gulistaan apartment Mumbai which is in C WARD only where 100 families are in house less condition after giving hard earn money also.
As warees ali sayyed has asked to make action on this tower society in under MMC ACT, As in given Complaint also Warees Ali demand action as per given power under protection of human Reights act 1993, amendment 2006, under Ministry of home affairs, Social justice and empowerment given by Government of india
For any new’s or any incident to flash kindly contact Below Number
Warees Ali Sayyed
REG/COM/IND/1841231/Sayyed, Warees Ali@YELLOWPRESS
Warees Ali Taibani (Sayyed) Crime Reporter
Mumbai Maharashtra