Dr. Suhail Khandwani became trustee of Mahim Dargah Khandwani with fake degree of doctor in 25000
Mumbai: If you want to increase your status, you have to tighten your eyebrow and like to call yourself a doctor, then for this, fake universities present in India are providing 25000 doctors writing degrees to people sitting in India. The trustee belongs to Suhail Khandwani, who recently became a Corona warrior doctor, Suhail Khandwani, with a fake degree from this fake university. However, when Khandwani noticed the controversy over the fake degree, he got all this on the head of his PR team Stood up and raised his hands.
Vinod Jadhav, vice president of Shiv Sena Vahutuk Sena, has complained to the Mumbai Police about this and has demanded action against the racket of such fake universities which have spread in India and has also demanded action against them. Who spend seven thousand and write seven doctors in his own name, including the name of Suhail Khandwani.
- Khandwani has obtained this fake degree from the University of Asia, however there is no such university which can distribute a doctor’s degree to anyone in just 25000, Jadhav said that he demands action against this because many VIPs The personality is also a customer degree of this fake university, although this Indian educational institutions and department are not aware