Kissing you should do, by decade.
- Before 10yrs old – Kiss an older relative, yea, one of those whiskery aunts or uncles.
- Age 20 – Kiss someone you have butterflies about, it’ll be worth it.
- 30 – Kiss a complete stranger, stagger someone.
- 40 – Kiss the person you love the most, you don’t do it often enough.
- 50 – Kiss a dog, a llama, a tree or something of this earth, you’re missing out.
- 60 – Kiss a younger relative, turnabout is fair play.
- 70 – Kiss someone your own age, or try to anyway, it might not be that tough.
- 80 – Kiss your ass goodby, it’s now just a matter of time.
- 90 to 100 – Kiss all those that are still with you, and go on doing it.
P. S. – We’re talking about those sweet, chaste, little dry kisses, save the slobber for politicians running for office and overzealous salespersons.